The Pensions Committee 

The Pensions Committee is responsible for carrying out the Council's functions as the delegated decision making body of the Administering Authority for the management of the Cumbria Local Government Pension Scheme ("the Pension Fund") which includes its involvement in the Border to Coast Pension Partnership (BCPP) as the Council's approved Pension Pool 

The members of the Pensions Committee are made up of elected Members from Westmorland and Furness Council and other employers in the Fund, as well two employee representatives.  

The Pensions Committee:

Planned dates for future Pension Committee meetings are as follows:

Date Time Location
10 Mar 25 10:00 TBC
17 Jun 25 10:00 TBC
16 Sep 25 TBC TBC
09 Dec 25 10:00 TBC

Details of previous agendas and minutes can be found here

Opens in new window previous agendas and minutes