About the Cumbria Pension Fund
Find out more about how the fund is governed.
Find out more about how the fund is governed.
If you join the scheme and stay in it for at least 2 years, you will get a pension paid to you when you retire.
The Cumbria Pension Fund is run by Westmorland and Furness Council. This means that Westmorland and Furness Council are the "administering authority" in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations.
The Pensions Committee oversees the management of Westmorland and Furness Council and act as trustees of the Fund.
Governance arrangements for pension schemes in the public sector require Westmorland and Furness Council, as an administering authority for the LGPS (Local Government Pension Scheme), to have in place a local pension board.
The Pensions Committee oversees the management of Cumbria County Council and act as trustees of the Fund.
The Pensions Committee
Governance arrangements for pension schemes in the public sector require Cumbria County Council, as an administering authority for the LGPS (Local Government Pension Scheme), to have in place a local pension board.
Local Pensions Board